Lauren and Peter's Culinary-Driven Intimate Wedding at Fat Sheep Farm in Hartland, Vermont

I had so much trouble deciding which angle to take when writing this post about Lauren and Peter because there are an incredible amount of different ways I could introduce them. I could start with the first time we met Peter in 2012, when he was introduced as the main chef at a lovely New Hampshire restaurant while we were dining with some friends and I realized how talented he was at such a young age (early twenties!). Or I could lede with how together, Peter and Lauren have rescued, renovated, and revived a general store into a restaurant, butcher shop, and grocery store in the past two years and how they are some of the most passionate, hardest working people we know. Another good way to start is talking about how every time we run into the two of them, whether it’s photographing weddings they’re catering at, or stopping down to their store to have brunch, or getting dinner with them, we leave feeling extra loved and honored that they’re our friends. With introductions like these, it’s best to include them all as a glimpse of who Lauren and Peter are as awesome humans.

Because it’s nearly impossible to step away from a thriving store/restaurant/butchershop and catering business almost any time of year, Lauren and Peter chose the least busy time of year to get married- early February, and decided to throw an intimate celebration at a newly renovated sheep farm turned cabin rental getaway and venue. Just as they have with Butcher and Pantry, Lauren and Peter tackled nearly every aspect of the wedding themselves from flower arranging to all of the food, which Peter made with their staff the days leading up to the wedding. It was wonderful to watch these sweet, hardworking servants of the community be honored on their wedding day, and we’re also excited that they’re actually taking some time away this week from the store to relax (and eat fancy things) in Canada.